The AGM of St Boswells Village Hall shall be held on Thursday 6th October in the Lesser Hall, commencing at 7pm.
Given the challenges facing the hall in the months ahead, particularly in respect of the energy costs crisis, we are appealing for a good turnout. THE HALL NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! Use us or lose us….
- Fire regulation announcements and exit arrangements in case of emergency.
- Apologies received.
- Approval of minutes of previous AGM, on 28th February 2022. Available on the hall’s website, at Should anyone require a hard copy, please ask the secretary.
- Matters arising.
- Treasurer’s report (year ending 29 June 2022)
- Chairperson’s report (year ending 29 June 2022)
At this point 1. The trustees, 2. the Management Committee’s office bearers, and 3. regular members shall all stand down, a new election being required in each case. The secretary shall take over chairing the meeting until this process – involving re-elections, fresh elections, and resignations – is completed, then hand back to the committee’s chairperson. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Village Hall Management Committee should consult with the secretary in advance.
- Election/re-election/resignation of trustees
- Election/re-election/resignation of the Management Committee’s office-bearers and regular members
- Discussion of the hall’s response to the energy costs crisis
- Discussion of the hall’s progress towards greener energy
- Date of next AGM
Alastair Minnis (Hall Secretary)