Wednesday Warmups – school visits

Wednesday Warmups – school visits

Our fun programme of school visits is continuing, with Class P3/4 appearing on the 29th November. They will be singing two Christmas songs for us. After they leave, we shall have some music and a few words said in memory of John Mcilroy, friend and keen contributor to...
TONIGHT! 21 November. The Hall’s AGM

TONIGHT! 21 November. The Hall’s AGM

On the 21st November the hall shall hold its 2023 AGM, as postponed from the 7th November due to circumstances outwith our control. Do come along, to hear what’s going on. All offers of help are welcome, as we work to maintain and promote this centre for the...
Xmas Ceilidh, 9 December

Xmas Ceilidh, 9 December

Come along for a great fun night on the 9th December, in the village hall! The BEDLAM CEILIDH BAND shall be playing. Tickets available at the Old Post Office, St Boswells, or via