St Boswells Parish Community Council

The Council is responsible for this part of the website.


St Boswells Parish Community Council was established to find out, coordinate and express to the Scottish Borders Council, and to other public authorities, the views of Parish folk on matters that are important to them, and to take action on their behalf. Within the Borders there are 69 Community Councils, including the Bowden Village Committee.


St Boswells Parish Community Council has up to 10 members, who must be aged 16 or over and appear on the electoral roll for the Parish. Scottish Borders Councillors for the Parish are also members of the Community Council although they have no entitlement to vote or hold office.

Community Council members must comply with the Scottish Borders Council code of conduct for community councillors. They must also agree to the terms of the Scottish Borders Council Equalities Statement. 

We are always interested if anyone would like to get in touch to join the Community Council. If there are more nominations than vacancies, an election is held. Elected Community Councillors serve between 2 and 4 years and can then be re-elected.

The Community Council can also co-opt non-voting members with skills or knowledge who may be able to help to carry out its functions, such as in our Friends of the Woodland Group.   


Members of the public are welcome to attend Community Council meetings. If you have a concern or idea you wish to raise, please contact the Secretary as below in advance of the meeting.

St Boswells Parish Community Council generally meets once a month (except July and December) on the last Thursday of the month, alternating between the Lesser Village Hall and the Church Hall. Agendas and Minutes are posted on the Community Council noticeboard by the main door of the Village Hall and are also available on this website.

Roles, Responsibilities, and Activities

In addition to acting as a sounding board for the Scottish Borders Council and other public agencies, the Community Council is involved in many local activities. It is involved in the management of the Village Green, for example, helping to coordinate the annual Travellers’ Fair and Remembrance Day events. It works alongside Jedburgh Food Bank to provide donations and food parcels to our community. Keep up to date by visiting St Boswells Community Council Facebook Page.  

The Community Council takes a keen interest in keeping the village clean and tidy, maintaining paths and public areas in and around the village. Friends of St Boswells Community Woodland subcommittee holds regular events on the first Saturday of every month to maintain the pond and woodland as well as discover the plants and animals we have right on our doorstep.

 Green St Boswells is another subgroup of the Community Council, which allows villagers to come together to volunteer their time and skills on Wednesday mornings to enhance the environment for all, through providing planters, encouraging pollinators and tidying forgotten corners.


Community Council Members

Gavin Tweddle


Chris Richard

Charles Strang

Wilma Burns

Minute Secretary
Annette Patterson

Mike Barrie, Yvonne Clement, Craig Edmond, Angela Farnish

Co-opted Members
Claire McPhee, Elaine Reid

Ex officio Members
SBC Councillors Pam Brown, Scott Hamilton, and Sandy Scott.

Contact Details

Charles Strang,
St Boswells Parish Community Council
Or message us on Facebook.