The Bridge is having its AGM in the Lesser Hall, St Boswells Village Hall, on the 10th November, commencing at 7pm. This hall, in common with all the halls throughout the Borders area, is grateful to the help and advice this organization provided during the dark days of the Covid19 pandemic. The Bridge is a partner in the Borders Third Sector Interface, providing community and voluntary sector support.

This year’s Keynote Speaker is Luke Comins, Director of Tweed Forum.  Luke will be presenting on the work of the Tweed Forum and the Fallago Environment Fund.

Everyone welcome! Please respond to to confirm your attendance or send your apologies.

Scottish Borders Community Development Company (operating as The Bridge). Registered in Scotland as a Co Ltd by Guarantee no: 305830.   Scottish Charity SC037646.  Registered/Head Office:  3 Roxburgh House Court, Roxburgh Street, Galashiels. TD1 1NY.