St Boswells Band has been back at its old home in St Boswells Village Hall since the turn of this year. We have been made very welcome by the hall committee and indeed the population of St Boswells, but we must now start to re-build and get back to what were doing and what we were playing for most of the last 168 years. That means not just getting back to weekly rehearsals with the folks we already have but also attracting players new to St Boswells Concert Band. We are looking for brass and woodwind players of all abilities and of all ages, to make a band of which the village and the people of the area can be justly proud.
We are also looking at re-starting the co-operation with the local Primary Schools in St Boswells, Newtown and Melrose, to get from Primary 4 upwards to join us as well as pupils from the local Earlston High School to become members of one of the oldest bands in the Scottish Borders.
We have planned a series of meetings in St Boswells Village Hall (upper hall) on Monday evenings from 7.15 p.m. onwards, beginning on the 5th September. Rehearsals originally planned for the 22nd August and the 29th August have had to be cancelled, due to unforeseen circumstances.
Players old and new are welcome! We have the music and we have brass instruments although we would welcome woodwind instruments too, if anyone has a clarinet or a saxophone lying unused in a cupboard.
We are currently looking for a teacher/leader to guide us through the coming months. In fact, everyone and anyone who would like to is welcome to pop in and join us. Come along and make music!
All inquiries to: W. Kenneth Gunn, Chairman. Tel. 01750 721297. Mob. 07741 097485.
Photo: members of the 1902 band.