St Boswells Concert Band is starting rehearsals on Monday 14th March at 7.30 in St Boswells Village Hall, and invites players of all standards and all wind instruments to come along and say hello. Bring your instrument if you have one but come along anyway and hear more about what we want to do and where we want to go. The band has a small stock of brass instruments which they are happy to hire out but are also on the look-out for more, including woodwind. So if you have a spare clarinet or saxophone taking up space in the attic or in a cupboard they would be delighted to have them.
Photo: members of the 1902 Concert Band. Many more pictures of the band are available on this website. See People & Memories>Old St Boswells for the early ones, and for the 1970s onward see Pictures & Memories>People>St Boswells Band. Enjoy!