Jenny Biddle will be performing a live show in the Village Hall on Saturday 20th November, starting at 7-30pm.

It’s more than two years since Jenny has performed in the Borders, recording her 7th album ‘Live in Scotland’. What a great way to mark the return of St Boswells Live! to the Village Hall.  For the extraordinary number and range of musical events this amazing enterprise has put on here in past years, click the Pictures & Memories: Events in the hall tab on our website. A truly impressive record. Let’s keep it going well into the future. At the moment they need your support, and at Saturday’s event shall be calling for volunteers to help out.

Tickets can be bought in advance from the Old Post Office in St Boswells for £8. Any left will be sold at the door for £10. It’s mandatory to wear masks and provide contact details for the NHS Test & Protect scheme, either by scanning in with the hall’s QR code or filling up one of the printed forms available in the lobby and posting it in the metal ‘postbox’ that’s there for this purpose.

Do come along! It will be a memorable event.