Consultation: Jenny Moore’s Road Play Area

St Boswells will be receiving significant investment to upgrade the play park next to the Community Club on Jenny Moore’s Road.

Scottish Borders Council would like to have your input into the design including what sort of equipment you would most like to see.

An online consultation is currently open until Thursday 18th August 2022 so please do have your say using the link below:…/playpark-2022-23/

“The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability and conversations are currently taking place in communities to find out what improvements people would like to see. The survey includes a list of possible play equipment you may like to see in the play area but please feel free to suggest other equipment or ideas for the park.”

Gillian Jardine, Community Co-ordinator, Communities and Partnerships, Resilient Communities, Scottish Borders Council.